Visit the Training and Nutrition section of AskRunGuy or visit a local physical therapist, running specialist doctor, or local running coach or expert.
Visit the Nutrition section of AskRunGuy. There are several excellent articles and books on nutrition for runners.
Visit the Training Plans section of AskRunGuy for information on how to train for a specific race distance.
Visit the Training Plan section of AskRunGuy for information about various training plans.
Consider searching for and connecting with local running/training clubs. Often, run stores, health clubs, or local running communities will have marathon, half marathon, 10K, and 5K training plans. Training with a group that is working towards a similar race can be very rewarding and motivating.
Also, see information on Run for God which combines a running training plan for first-time 5K runners, with pursuit of Christian faith.
Visit the Training Plan section of AskRunGuy for information about various training plans.
Consider joining a local running training clubs. Often, run stores, health clubs, or local running communities will have marathon, half marathon training groups.
Visit the Training Plan section of AskRunGuy for information about various training plans.
Consider joining a local running training clubs. Often, run stores, health clubs, or local running communities will have training groups.
Visit the Training Plan section of AskRunGuy for information about various training plans.
Consider joining a local running training clubs. Often, run stores, health clubs, or local running communities will have training groups.
Also, see information on Run for God which combines a running training plan for first-time 5K runners, with pursuit of Christian faith
Visit the Cross Training section of AskRunGuy for some great ideas.
Visit the Stretching and Massage section of AskRunGuy for information on sorts of stretching, and when to do it.
Visit the Stretching and Massage section of AskRunGuy for information on sorts of stretching, and when to do it.
Visit the Stretching and Massage section of AskRunGuy for information on sorts of stretching, and when to do it.
Visit the Pre-Race / Preparation section of AskRunGuy for more information on preparing for a long run or a race, avoiding injuries, blisters, chafing, etc.
Visit the Training and Nutrition section of AskRunGuy for information and recommendations on miles to run and days per week to run, especially when training for a race.
Visit the Training and Nutrition section of AskRunGuy for information and recommendations on miles to run and days per week to run, especially when training for a race.
Visit the Increase Speed section of AskRunGuy to learn more about increasing speed as a runner.
Key components in getting faster include: strength training for legs and core, reducing body weight, and regular speed / interval / track workouts.
Visit the Training Plans section of AskRunGuy for information on training plans, including building endurance gradually.
Visit the Cross Training section of AskRunGuy for information on treadmill running and other alternative workouts.
Visit the Cross Training section of AskRunGuy for information on workouts that are alternatives to running with foot and leg impact.
Visit the Post-Race / Recovery section of AskRunGuy for information on post-race recovery.
A rule of thumb is to take off from running (rest) one day for each mile that you raced. Example: 13 days after a half marathon, 26 days after a marathon.
Visit the Post-Race / Recovery section of AskRunGuy for information on post-race recovery.
A rule of thumb is to take off from running (rest) one day for each mile that you raced. Example: 13 days after a half marathon, 26 days after a marathon.
Visit the Staying Healthy section of AskRunGuy for information on recovering from and preventing injuries.
Plantar fasciitis, runners knee, IT band tightness, sciatic nerve issues, muscle pulls / tightness, stress fractures are common running injuries.
The most important guidance is: do not try to “run through”, or ignore injuries, and don’t rely on “do it yourself” diagnosis. Finding and consulting a clinic, especially one that specializes in running injuries, is the best method for proper diagnosis and quickest recovery.
Visit the Staying Healthy section of AskRunGuy for information on recovering from and preventing injuries.
Plantar fasciitis, runners knee, IT band tightness, sciatic nerve issues, muscle pulls / tightness, stress fractures are common running injuries.
The most important guidance is: do not try to “run through”, or ignore injuries, and don’t rely on “do it yourself” diagnosis. Finding and consulting a clinic, especially one that specializes in running injuries, is the best method for proper diagnosis and quickest recovery.
Visit the Stretching and Massage section of AskRunGuy for information on massage.
I’ve found massages to be helpful especially during challenging training programs. Just use caution to avoid massages in the few days before or after a race for best results.
Visit the Stretching and Massage section of AskRunGuy for information on massage.
I’ve found massages to be helpful especially during challenging training programs. Just use caution to avoid massages in the few days before or after a race for best results.